Frequently Asked Questions
Which retailers can I report to Trolley Tracker?
Here at Trolley Tracker we can take reports of abandoned trolleys belonging to Woolworths, Big W, and Dan Murphy’s. For all other retailers we recommend getting in touch with them directly.
How do I report abandoned trolleys using the Trolley Tracker website?
1. Select the retailer & number of trolleys – Just tap the ‘plus sign’ to add the trolley from the retailer you wish to report.
2. Fill in as much of the address information as you can and then select the nearest address from the drop-down menu.
3. Add Information – and any additional information in the field provided i.e. “In the park” or “In the alleyway behind the building”.
4. Tick the tab if you want to enter the $1000 prize draw then hit ‘Next’ to enter your information – and ‘Submit Report’.
5. Or leave it blank to report anonymously – tap ‘Report’.
How do I report abandoned trolleys using the Trolley Tracker phone app?
You can download the new & improved Trolley Tracker phone app available on Apple & Android devices, just search for “Trolley Tracker” on the App Store or Google Play.
For assistance reporting trolleys on the app you can follow along with this video:
I reported an abandoned trolley and it hasn't been collected, what should I do?
If you have reported a trolley and it hasn’t been collected, please give us a call on 1800 641 497 and let the operator know that you are proving a repeated report. The operator can then follow the report up with the local trolley collector as a High Priority.